Male Hair Removal Shaving Tips
For male hair removal especially for facial hair, shaving is the most commonly used method. Whether a manual or electric razor, many if not most of use would have used this hair removal device at some point in our lives to remove unwanted hair.
Men use razors to shave their face or head while women use razors to shave their legs and underarms. Although facing competition from other forms of unwanted hair removal, the humble razor itself has undergone, and is still being reinvented and improved with newer features for more efficient male hair removal.
Male Hair Removal By Razors
Razors have gone through several generations of improvements, from being a single blade device to having 5 blades found in modern electric razors. Research into achieving a closer, cleaner and smoother shave is an ongoing multi-million dollar business that only goes to show that despite more modern forms of male hair removal such as waxing and laser are available, the razor still has its dominant place in the market.
What makes razors still relevant? For one, they are cheap and convenient to use in the comfort of your own home. You can use them anywhere and anytime. New improved versions of razors are constantly being introduced with better features that keep consumers interested in the next new product.
Shaving With A Razor Is The Preferred Method of Male Hair Removal
As such, despite having some drawbacks, razors are still the main method of male hair removal. Sharp razors sometimes cause cuts and skin irritation. Those with sensitive skin can end up with ingrown hairs, shaving bumps and other side effects of shaving with a razor.

New features and improvements are constantly being made in the area of using razors for male hair removal.